The Inside Scoop Blog

customer case study interview tips

3 Powerful Customer Case Study Interview Tips

Your customer said “yes” to being part of a case study, so now it’s time for the interview. But how do you make the most of that interview so you get the best possible customer success story? It all comes down to following these customer case study interview tips based on my years of interviewing…

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customer case study interviews

3 Steps to Making the Most of Your Customer Case Study Interviews

When it comes to creating customer case studies, there’s one part of the process that’s absolutely critical: the interview. While it may sound obvious, the interview can make or break your case study. The question then is: how do you make the most of your customer case study interviews? Going into interviews with customers, you…

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5 Ways to Get Your Customers to Participate in a Case Study

Case studies are a powerful marketing and sales tool for your business, but sometimes it can be a challenge to get your customers to participate in a case study. Why is getting clients to say yes to a case study so tricky? The reality is that your clients are busy, and you’re making an ask…

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3 Benefits of Case Studies for Your Sales and Marketing

You’ve probably heard the saying, “facts tell, stories sell.” As a marketer, you know the benefits of case studies all too well and are looking for ways to add more stories to your marketing efforts. Or maybe the idea of using stories for your product or service leaves you feeling overwhelmed as it’s one more…

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